Man Skips Brother’s Wedding After Family Demands His Cancer-Surviving Girlfriend Wear Wig


While it’s perfectly acceptable for a couple getting married to ask their guests to wear formal attire for their big day, or expect that nobody wears white, specifically dictating certain aspects of a guest’s look is a bit outrageous, and that’s especially true for this family.

A man shares on Reddit that his girlfriend of six years recently battled breast cancer and beat it. During treatment she started losing her hair, and notes she’s so “confident” she never even considered wearing a wig. When treatment was over and her hair started growing back she decided to keep it really short, noting, “it’s become part of her personality and it gives her strength just like it did in the past.”

But while the OP is totally down with his girlfriend’s new look, his family has some issues, noting that many feel “uncomfortable” with it, especially his mom who continuously asks when she’s going to grow her hair back.

This all came to a head recently when, before his brother’s wedding, the OP’s mom asked if the girlfriend had a wig yet for the wedding, saying if not she should get one. Apparently the brother was on the same page as mom, with the brother going so far as to suggest the GF was trying to “take attention away from him and his fiancée.”

When the OP told them the GF had no intention of wearing a wig, the mother and brother thought he would then just leave her home, insisting that the OP had to come to the wedding “since people with ‘class’ were coming.” But mom was wrong because the OP refused to do that, and simply stayed home with his girlfriend on the day of the wedding.

  • The OP turned his phone off during the wedding, but when he turned it on he had tons of messages and texts from family calling him “selfish,” and saying he disrespected his brother, which left him feeling bad and wondering if he was really wrong to skip the wedding. The folks on Reddt though let him know that he was not wrong at all.
    • “It sounds like you were uninvited for shallow reasons, and that’s what you can tell anyone who’s confused,” on person noted, while another added, “Warms my heart to see dudes standing up for their SO (significant other).”
    • Another added, “”NTA, but your mom and brother are,” adding “Your gf just survived cancer and they are more worried about how the wedding photos will look and what ‘classy’ people will think. smh…”

Source: Café Mom


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