A woman named Erin Alexander recently underwent the world’s first injectable breast implant procedure, going from a small B cup to a C, in minutes. Erin shared how she was walking the next day and back to gentle exercise within a few days. “The downtime is pretty minimal,” she said, adding that she’s thrilled with the fullness she now has.
Her doctor, Dr. Adrian Richards explained he made a small incision, and then a balloon is used to create space for the diamond-shaped implant, which is then inserted. Unlike traditional breast implant surgery, which requires general anesthesia and leaves visible scars, this new method involves minimal scarring and a quicker recovery time.
Erin chose this procedure because she wanted to avoid scarring and still look natural. “I didn’t want to look unnatural; I still wanted to look like me,” she said. The entire process took about 45 minutes, and Erin mentioned she was awake and chatting the whole time. Dr. Richards highlighted that the only downside is that the implants are small, limiting the size increase, and the cost is comparable to traditional implants.
Source: Dailymail