Stuntman Soaks In Bean Dip For 24 Hours To Save California Restaurant


What’s the best way to support your favorite restaurant struggling amid coronavirus? In the case of stuntman Hunter Ray Barker, sitting in a huge tub of bean dip.

Barker was determined to help his favorite restaurant – Los Toros in Chatsworth, California – as it struggled with business during the pandemic. So, he came up with a creative solution to draw in customers… sitting in a pool full of bean dip for a whole 24 hours.

According to “Reuters,” he wore a mask and t-shirt with the Los Toros logo on it, and even got a tattoo of the logo on his arm while he sat in the dip. When intrigued passerby stopped to see what the heck was going on, he would offer them deals and discounts. Check out footage of the stunt below.

Source: Reuters

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