smoking – close up Someone Has Invented A Vape Tamagotchi That Dies If You Stop Puffing

As stupid ideas go, this one’s a winner. At a recent New York University “Stupid Hackathon,” partners Rebecca Xun and Lucia Camacho created the Vape-o-Gotchi, a device that combines a vape pen with a virtual pet resembling a Tamagotchi. In this version, the digital pet thrives only when the user vapes; if neglected, it dies. Initially, they considered designing it to discourage vaping by harming the pet with each puff.

Eventually, they decided on a satirical approach, rewarding vaping to highlight concerns about nicotine addiction. The creators aim to refine the design, making it more compact and enhancing the pet’s appearance. They also plan to introduce a “good mode” that discourages excessive vaping by limiting device activation after a certain usage threshold.

Source: Futurism

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