New York Officials To Regulate Airport Prices After Travelers Report $27 Beer

If $27 for a pint of beer sounds hideous and wrong – you’re right. But that’s what some customers at New York’s LaGuardia and JFK airports as well as those at Newark airport have been paying. Now the local Port Authority is stepping in to deal with the issue.

It all began back in July 2021 when Cooper Lund was going through LaGuardia Airport. He tweeted an image of a Sam Adams Summer Ale with a price of over $27 and soon? The Office of Inspector General found that a total of 25 others paid the same. While they’ve all gotten refunds, officials are making sure it never happens again.

  • The new 35-page Port Authority policy directs that concession costs have to reflect local ‘Street prices” with a maximum surcharge of 10% and the rules also are requiring vendors to offer lower priced options for food and beverages.
  • In other words, vendors with name-brand businesses such as Starbucks have to compare their prices to other locations in the area and non-name-brand businesses are required to submit prices from three similar shops in the region.

To make sure that no one slips up, the Port Authority will be conducting random spot-checks and are asking travelers who suspect price-gouging to report them on social media and tag the appropriate airport.

Source: People

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