Couple Find Their Chihuahua In Their Suitcase At Airport Check-In

On the weekend of September 26, Jared and Kristi Owens were flying out of Lubbock, Texas for a trip to Las Vegas when they were told their baggage was around five pounds overweight. They opened their bag to ‘rearrange’ some things and found their chihuahua Icky climbing out of one of Jared’s cowboy boots.

The Owens were in a tight spot because of their stowaway, but Southwest agent Cathy Cook offered to watch Icky for the couple so they could catch their flight. The couple bragged on Cathy on social media for her customer service, but the airline did the Owens one more good turn. Cook said it was a good thing they found the dog because the couple “probably would have had a deceased animal in your bag” after they landed.

Source: Daily Mail

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