Kai McKenzie, a 23-year-old surfer, lost his entire leg in a shark attack while surfing at North Shore Beach in Australia. After fighting off the Great White shark, he managed to ride his damaged board back to shore, where an off-duty police officer used a dog leash to stop the bleeding. A few hours after the attack, Kai’s leg washed up on the beach. The hope was that doctors could reattach it, but sadly they were not able to.
Now out of the hospital, Kai is looking forward to getting a prosthetic leg and shared how grateful he is for the support of his girlfriend and family. Kai joked that once he has his prosthetic, he’s ready to take on the world again.
Meeting other shark attack survivors has also helped him heal. He explained that talking to people who have been through similar experiences has changed his perspective, making him feel stronger and ready to face the future.
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Source: Daily Star