A Scottish grandmother named Louise Littlejohn got an automated call from an auto garage that almost left her needing a tune-up herself. Louise says the voicemail from the garage, which was inviting her to an event at the business, included offensive language and inappropriate content. The garage blamed Apple’s AI-powered dictation software for the mix-up, but if it was a bug it was a giant one.
The voicemail was almost impossible to understand, but the parts that came through were real winners. A transcription of the call read in part “trail of you will be told to see if you have received an invite on your car if you’ve been able to have sex and not what should we call and just keep trouble with yourself that’d be interesting you piece of s**t give me a call.” Louise says she bought a car from the business years ago; experts are suggesting everything from the caller’s Scottish accent to background noise for the message.
Source: NY Post