Pregnant Woman Gets Pregnant While Already Pregnant With Another Baby

A woman in Pennsylvania is sharing the major odds she’s beaten by getting pregnant one week after she found out she was already pregnant. What Deonna Fletcher experienced is something called “superfetation,” which is common in felines and rodents, but carries with it a one-in-a-billion chance of happening to humans.

While the odds of superfetation are nearly zero, there are roughly 10 other confirmed cases of it in the world.

Fletcher recalls being told by her doc that she wasn’t carrying triplets, but carrying one single baby and one set of twins. Then smash cut to six months into the pregnancy and both of her waters broke. Fletcher was immediately put on bed rest for about two months until January 18, 2021, when she gave birth to three “perfectly healthy” girls: Dream, Amani, and Amber.

Source: Daily Mail

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