Woman In Tasmania Wins International Ugliest Lawn Contest

A woman in Tasmania has beat out competition from all over the world as the owner of the ugliest lawn on the planet. Kathleen Murray won the not-so-coveted award bestowed upon her by a group in Sweden that encourages water-saving, environmentally friendly gardening. In fact, water consumption in Gotland, Sweden has fallen by 5% thanks to things like the competition.

Murray beat out lawns in the US, the UK, Croatia, Germany, Canada, France and Sweden. As tons of bandicoots, spiny anteaters and other critters burrow and feast on her property, Murray says, “I used to think the bandicoots were wildlife of mass destruction invading my lawn, but now I see that they’ve actually liberated me from ever having to mow it again,” adding, “I’m all for guilt-free weekends, especially since my ex-husband left with the lawnmower back in 2016.”

Source: The Guardian

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