Mail Delivery Suspended In Texas Town Over Hawk Targetting Postal Workers

A neighborhood in Texas has suspended mail delivery ever since a hawk has become obsessed with dive-bombing postal workers. Residents of the bedroom community just outside Austin in Travis Heights say they have to pick up all parcels and letters at the local post office and have been forced to keep an eye toward the sky at all times to avoid being terrorized by the bird.

Why is this bird wreaking havoc on the town? Wildlife biologist Blake Hendon with the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife said the hawk is likely protecting its young. “This is the time of year that they have constructed nests earlier in the season. They’ve laid eggs. And now at this point in time in the season, they are raising their young,” he said. Luckily for residents, Hendon says the aggression should subside once the little birds are large enough to fly off…in around six to seven weeks.

Source: UPI

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