Today is National Sangria Day

December 20th is National Sangria Day! It’s refreshing and it’s fruity – and lots of folks think it’s the perfect cure for your winter blues. There are thousands of different variations of sangria that combine such ingredients as sliced fruit, honey, sugar, juice, carbonated soda, red or white wine, and other alcohols. Each combination changes the flavor, alcohol content, and carbonation of the sangria.

Sangria is a popular drink at bars, pubs, and restaurants in Portugal, Spain, and Mexico, and at tapas restaurants in the United States. And if you’re looking for something to warm you on a winter’s night – try mulled wine. Same idea as sangria, but warmed up. And yes, so delicious.

However, at one point, it was illegal to serve sangria in the state of Virginia! It violated an obscure 75-year-old law that did not allow the mixing of wine or beer with spirits. Violators of this law could be charged with a misdemeanor, a hefty fine, and up to a year in jail. It’s wasn’t until 2008 that the Virginia General Assembly finally legalized the serving of sangria.

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